[Free Resource] Supplier Scripts Playbook + more

Amazon sellers right now:

I hope you're making a ton of money during the most profitable time of year for eCommerce.


• Supplier Objection Scripts + workshop summary

• 3 frameworks for Amazon business growth

• Reimbursement policy changes

• TikTok ban (and what it means for Amazon sellers)

Let's go.

Suppler Objections Workshop + Free Resource

This week we hosted a Supplier Objection workshop inside our Wholesale Network Mastermind community.

• We analyzed a 13 min brand cold call

• Role played top 3 brand/distributor objections

• Reviewed our Supplier Scripts Playbook of all the most common supplier objections

You can grab your free Supplier Scripts Playbook here.

Think of it as my Christmas gift to you.

3 Frameworks For Business Growth

I recently shared a video where I explained the 3 things I had to learn to fully grasp what it takes to run a successful business on Amazon.

If you're struggling to scale or simply want insights from 7+ years in the trenches, check out the full video:

video preview

Reimbursement Policy Changes

This week Amazon decided to update the way their reimbursement policy works.

Before the policy change: you get reimbursed for the retail value of the product

After the policy change: you get reimbursed for the "manufacturing cost" of the product.

You can provide your own costs or let Amazon decide for you.

My take: While Amazon was applauded for "no new fee increases in 2025", this is basically a fee increase.

Expect tons of backlash from sellers over this.

Is TikTok Getting Banned? (And What It Means For Amazon Sellers)

There has been a ton of recent controversy over TikTok and whether or not the US government will ban it from the country.

In a recent development, the US Supreme Court has agreed to argue the case on January 10.

This means we may know the fate of TikTok as we know it in as little as 3 weeks.

I recently spent the better part of a podcast episode discussing the impact this will have on Amazon sellers with my friends Todd Welch and Danan Coleman.

You can hear our opinions on the implications of the TikTok ban for Amazon sellers here.

Enjoy the holidays if you celebrate. And keep sending in those FBA shipments!


You're only one supplier away


PS: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: We've helped over 160+ Amazon sellers ditch the arbitrage hamster wheel by transitioning to wholesale inside our Wholesale Network community. Click here to apply.

#2: Check out The Amazon Wholesale Podcast where I interview successful Amazon sellers. New episodes every Wednesday on Apple and Spotify, and YouTube.

Corey Ganim

Join 5.3K+ readers of The Amazon Wholesale newsletter for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to start, scale, & manage your Amazon wholesale business.

Read more from Corey Ganim
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