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Happy Friday folks. Here’s what you’ll learn from this email: • The untold story of one of Amazon’s biggest influencers • How new US tariffs affect Amazon & competitors • The Brand Partner Playbook is LIVE • How Amazon is using AI for flood prevention Here we go! The Untold Story Many of you probably know Miles Longstreth, aka Flips4Miles. He’s one of my good friends and helped me get my start on social media. But I bet none of you know his full story. To say it’s a rollercoaster would be an...
Here's what's inside this email: • Interview with Eric of AmazonLit • Melania Trump's deal with Amazon • LIVE brand owner negotiation calls • How credit card companies make money off Amazon sellers Lots of good stuff this week so let's jump right in. Interview With Top 100 Seller If you've been in the Amazon world for any amount of time you've heard of Eric Castellano, the face of AmazonLit. He and his business partners Sebastian and Ted started in Ted's basement 13 years ago. They've since...
This week: • Step by step guide for landing your first profitable supplier • 7 tips for negotiating with brands • Upcoming Brand Direct Masterclass • The Reddit post that went viral (this is crazy) Let's jump in. Your First Supplier Landing your first profitable wholesale supplier is simpler than you think. I interviewed a guy named Selman who found his first profitable supplier by calling a distributor truck he saw on the side of the road. There are tons of different ways to find suppliers,...