$800K revenue from 3 minutes of work

A (legal) hack that made me over $800k in revenue from 3 minutes of work.

It's real, and I included the blueprint in this email.

And in under 3 minutes, you'll also learn:

• How to do 6 figure group buys

• Reimbursement policy changes

• Carbon6's $210M acquisition

Let's dive in.

How We Did $12M In Group Buys With One Supplier

Group buys are a powerful way for advanced sellers to pool their capital.

And me and my community have done over $12M in group buys over a 7 month period with a single supplier.

This helps us get:

• Better pricing

• Better terms

• Access to exclusive deals

I recorded a podcast episode breaking down the entire group buy process with our Head of Group Procurement, Joe Saville.

Reimbursement Changes

The recent reimbursement policy changes aren't necessarily news.

They made this announcement a while ago.

But one of the key changes goes into effect on March 10th.

On this date you'll start getting reimbursed for your "manufacturing cost".

Sellers are up in arms over this change since Amazon announced "no fee increases in 2025" and this is perceived as an indirect fee increase.

You can read the full policy change announcement here.

$800K In Revenue From 3 Minutes Of Work

I know this sounds like the most clickbaity title of all time but I promise you it's legit.

I set up my Catch All Auto PPC campaign in September of 2020.

I haven't touched it since, aside from adding new SKUs to it which takes 60 seconds per week.

And it has generated me over $800K in revenue over that time period at a ROAS (return on ad spend) of 44.37.

That means for every dollar I spent on ads, I get $44.37 back.

A real life money printer.

Here is the 3 minute step-by-step tutorial you can follow to set this up yourself:

video preview

Carbon6 Gets Acquired In $210M Deal

A publicly traded company by the name of SPS Commerce announced they are acquiring Carbon6 for $210M.

Carbon6 is an Amazon SaaS aggregator - meaning they buy up a bunch of Amazon software companies with the goal of selling all the companies as a package.

Carbon6 has tens of thousands of Amazon sellers as customers.

Among their most successful products is Seller Investigators, which is their reimbursement solution that I have been a customer of for over 2 years.

My take: Usually when a company sells to one that's publicly traded the product quality goes downhill in favor of short term profits.

Hopefully the transition is a smooth one and Carbon6 keeps a pulse on the voice of the seller.

That's it for this week.


You're one supplier away!


PS: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: We've helped over 160+ Amazon sellers ditch the arbitrage hamster wheel by transitioning to wholesale inside our Wholesale Network community. Click here to apply.

#2: Check out The Amazon Wholesale Podcast where I interview successful Amazon sellers. New episodes every Wednesday on Apple and Spotify, and YouTube.

Corey Ganim

Join 5.3K+ readers of The Amazon Wholesale newsletter for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to start, scale, & manage your Amazon wholesale business.

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