A little-known trade show resource

Here's what I've got for you this week:

• A low-key trade show resource

• Distributor-turned-Amazon-seller tells all

• Changes to Amazon's ungating policy

• A breakdown of Chinese vs. American brands on Amazon

Here we go!

The Best Way To Grow Your Wholesale Business Is....

Trade shows.

Trade shows are great for a number of reasons, but mainly:

• You meet suppliers in person

• You build rapport quickly

• Ability to place orders on the spot

This weekend I'm attending The Great Outdoor Show alongside 30 members of our Wholesale Network community.

We'll be walking the show all day on Saturday as a group, meeting suppliers and networking.

I found this show using a little-known resource called 10times.com.

It's a free directory of thousands of tradeshows worldwide and somehow no one knows about it.

Bad News For Arbitrage Sellers

Listen, I'm not here to fearmonger.

But the writing is on the wall for arbitrage sellers.

This screenshot of an ungating application for Weber circulated on social media last week:

What this means:

The traditional methods that arbitrage sellers use to ungate some brands (not all) will no longer work.

For these brands, you MUST have an invoice directly from the manufacturer OR from an authorized distributor.

My take:

If Amazon decides to extend this new requirement to more brands, it will be a massive blow to arbitrage sellers.

This policy update is further validation that brand direct wholesale is the superior Amazon business model in 2025.

When Distributors Decide To Sell On Amazon

When I explain the wholesale business model, one of the most common questions I get is:

"Why doesn't the distributor just sell on Amazon themselves?"

Most don't because it's an entirely different skillset.

But my buddy Alexander Kay did exactly that.

He went from making $15/hour as a distributor sales rep to selling over $400k/mo on Amazon.

You will laugh out loud at some of the things Amazon sellers would try to do to open accounts with him.

I learned more from this episode than any of my previous 90+ interviews.

Check it out:

video preview

China vs. USA

I found this recent LinkedIn post from Scott Needham (founder of SmartScout) incredibly interesting.

In it, he compares some data points on Chinese brands vs. American brands on Amazon.

The biggest standouts:

• American brands spend way more on ads than Chinese brands

• Chinese brands have virtually no resellers

• China has almost 40% more brands over $1M/year vs. USA

These trends will be interesting to keep an eye on as the trade war with China heats up.

Wish me and our community luck as we hit The Great American Outdoor Show this weekend!

And remember...

You're only one supplier away!


PS: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: We've helped over 160+ Amazon sellers ditch the arbitrage hamster wheel by transitioning to wholesale inside our Wholesale Network community. Click here to apply.

#2: Check out The Amazon Wholesale Podcast where I interview successful Amazon sellers. New episodes every Wednesday on Apple and Spotify, and YouTube.

Corey Ganim

Join 5.3K+ readers of The Amazon Wholesale newsletter for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to start, scale, & manage your Amazon wholesale business.

Read more from Corey Ganim
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